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  • patriciapenrose60

Art or Craft?

Is writing a craft or an art? Well, I have discovered there is craft in every art and art in every craft.

I didn’t begin writing until I turned 60. Oh, I’d thought about it fleetingly a few times, but nothing came of it. But when you hit the big “60,” if you’re ever going to try something new, you better get a wiggle on. So, I began to make good use of the library and my Kindle Unlimited subscription and studied the “craft” of writing. I learned a lot from Dwight Swain, John Truby, James Scott Bell, Sandra Scofield, Jeff Gerke, and so many others. I took a year to study the "craft." Story structure, scene and sequel, hero's journey, show don't tell, goal-motivation-conflict, plot vs. character, deep point of view, and on and on. And did I remember it all? No. Have I used it all while writing? Yes. My subconscious seems to dredge it up when needed. Maybe that is the elusive muse. Maybe that's when "craft" morphs into "art." I like to think so.

Thanks for stopping by. :)

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